Aerosol Can Recycling and Disposal
Eliminate a hazardous waste by converting it to a recyclable. From one to eight hundred cans per hour our aerosol can processing systems accomplish this quickly, economically, and safely. Relieve the pressure of aerosol can disposal.
Xtractor Solvent Collection System
Make your lab more efficient, your employees safer, and reduce your handling costs with the Xtractor. This innovative collection and transfer system is designed to handle your liquid wastes from generation to disposal.
In-Drum Compactors and Drum Crushers
Crush the high cost of hazardous and radioactive waste disposal with an in-drum compactor. Put eight drums of waste into one and save the disposal fees on seven. It’s simple, safe, and configured for your waste stream.
Paint Can Crushers
Collect paint without having to open the can. The crusher piercer allows you to recover paints and high value inks without the labor of opening and pouring. The crushed container can then be recycled.
Propane Cylinder Recycling and Disposal
Depressurize and recycle your propane cylinders safely. Our systems pay for themselves quickly in avoided disposal costs. Propylene, mapp, and calibration gas cylinders can also be processed.
Custom Designed Machines
Unique waste streams sometimes require custom solutions. We have the engineering and fabrication skills necessary to supply you with a one of a kind system. Let us build your solution.